Plastic Product Manufacturing | WidgetCo

WidgetCo has a wide selection of plastic products on offer from hole plugs to screw protectors and everything in between. If you’re looking for high-quality plastic products to use in your home renovation project, business venture or home decor craft, look no further than WidgetCo’s selection of durable plastic products engineered with precision and molded in a wide variety of shapes and colors. If you are looking for a custom color, feel free to send us an email and we’d be happy to provide you with a quote on a custom order (minimum orders required).

Find our plastic products below.

Hole Plugs | WidgetCo

Hole Plugs

Several sizes and colors to fit hole diameters of 3/16", 5mm, 6mm, 1/4", 8mm, 5/16", 10mm, 3/8", 12mm and 1/2". Bulk hole plugs available.
Screw Protectors

Screw Protectors

Conceal and protect the threaded end of #8, #10, 1/4", 5/16" and 3/8" screws and bolts. Just slide onto tips of screws and bolts. Bulk available.


Fastcaps are 9/16" diameter self adhesive cover caps that peel and stick. Use Fastcaps to conceal your countersunk screws or exposed holes. Bulk discounts available.
Plastic Pour Spouts

Plastic Pour Spouts

Color coordinate spirits or use with any cooking mixture containing vinegar or acidic liquids where metal is unsuitable. Bulk quantities available.