Our highest grade tapered corks, Extra Select Cork Stoppers are among the finest quality grade of natural corks. The quality of a cork is visually determined by the size and number of lenticels (tiny crevice like cracks) that appear on all natural cork. The smaller and fewer the lenticels, the higher the grade of cork. Extra Select are among the highest grade of natural corks produced. Cork Stoppers are safe to 300 degrees F (150 C). Many sizes are available to plug openings from 1/8" up to 2". WidgetCo Cork Stoppers are made from 100% natural cork. Bulk discounts available.
How to choose the right size cork stopper. As a general rule, select the cork with the biggest bottom diameter smaller than your opening. |
Buy extra select cork stoppers below

Bottom Diameter: 3/32" (.093" or 2.35mm)
Length: 1/2" (.500" or 13mm)

Top Diameter: 1/4" (.250" or 6mm)
Bottom Diameter: 5/32" (.156" or 4mm)
Length: 1/2" (.500" or 13mm)

Bottom Diameter: 7/32" (.218" or 5mm)
Length: 1/2" (.500" or 13mm)

Bottom Diameter: 9/32" (.281" or 7mm)
Length: 1/2" (.500" or 13mm)

Bottom Diameter: 21/64" (.328" or 8mm)
Length: 5/8" (.625" or 16mm)

Bottom Diameter: 3/8" (.385" or 10mm)
Length: 11/16" (.687" or 17mm)

Bottom Diameter: 27/64" (.422" or 11mm)
Length: 3/4" (.750" or 19mm)

Bottom Diameter: 15/32" (.469" or 12mm)
Length: 13/16" (.813" or 20mm)

Bottom Diameter: 17/32" (.531" or 13.5mm)
Length: 7/8" (.875" or 22mm)

Bottom Diameter: 37/64" (.578" or 15mm)
Length: 15/16" (.938" or 24mm)

Bottom Diameter: 5/8" (.625" or 16mm)
Length: 1" (1.000" or 25mm)

Bottom Diameter: 43/64" (.672" or 17mm)
Length: 1-1/16" (1.062" or 27mm)

Bottom Diameter: 47/64" (.734" or 18mm)
Length: 1-1/8" (1.125" or 29mm)

Bottom Diameter: 49/64" (.765" or 20mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 53/64" (.828" or 21mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 57/64" (.890" or 22mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 61/64" (.953" or 24mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1" (1.00" or 25mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-1/16" (1.062" or 27mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-3/32" (1.093" or 27mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-1/8" (1.180" or 30mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-7/32" (1.218" or 31mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-9/32" (1.282" or 33mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500: or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-11/32" (1.344" or 34mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-15/32" (1.496" or 38mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.496" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-19/32" (1.575" or 40mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.496" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-23/32" (1.732" or 44mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.496" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-27/32" (1.850" or 47mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.496" or 38mm)