A standard grade Cork Stoppers, these tapered corks function as a closure for bottles, vials and other openings. XXX Standard Grade has a few more lenticels (crevices) than a XXXX Premium Grade or Extra Select Grade. This means they are better suited for packaging dry goods and standing liquids. If using corks to transport many kinds of liquids or for laboratory environments, consider a XXXX Premium Grade or higher as the fewer lenticels will provide a better seal. Cork Stoppers are also an excellent masking devise for covering holes when painting and are safe to 300 degrees F (150 C). Many sizes are available to plug openings from tiny 1/8" up to 4-1/4". All our Cork Stoppers are made from 100% natural cork. Bulk quantities available.
How to choose the right size cork stopper. As a general rule, select a cork with the biggest bottom diameter smaller than your opening. |
Shop all cork sizes below

Bottom Diameter: 3/32" (.093" or 2.35mm)
Length: 1/2" (.500" or 13mm)

Bottom Diameter: 5/32" (.156" or 4mm)
Length: 1/2" (.500" or 13mm)

Bottom Diameter: 7/32" (.218" or 5mm)
Length: 1/2" (.500" or 13mm)

Bottom Diameter: 9/32" (.281" or 7mm)
Length: 1/2" (.500" or 13mm)

Bottom Diameter: 21/64" (.328" or 8mm)
Length: 5/8" (.625" or 16mm)

Bottom Diameter: 3/8" (.385" or 10mm)
Length: 11/16" (.687" or 17mm)

Bottom Diameter: 27/64" (.422" or 11mm)
Length: 3/4" (.750" or 19mm)

Bottom Diameter: 15/32" (.469" or 12mm)
Length: 13/16" (.813" or 20mm)

Bottom Diameter: 17/32" (.531" or 13.5mm)
Length: 7/8" (.875" or 22mm)

Bottom Diameter: 37/64" (.578" or 15mm)
Length: 15/16" (.938" or 24mm)

Bottom Diameter: 5/8" (.625" or 16mm)
Length: 1" (1.000" or 25mm)

Bottom Diameter: 43/64" (.672" or 17mm)
Length: 1-1/16" (1.062" or 27mm)

Bottom Diameter: 47/64" (.734" or 18mm)
Length: 1-1/8" (1.125" or 29mm)

Bottom Diameter: 49/64" (.765" or 20mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 53/64" (.828" or 21mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 57/64" (.890" or 22mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 61/64" (.953" or 24mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1" (1.00" or 25mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-1/16" (1.062" or 27mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 31mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-3/32" (1.093" or 27mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-1/8" (1.180" or 30mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-7/32" (1.218" or 31mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-9/32" (1.282" or 33mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500: or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-11/32" (1.344" or 34mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-15/32" (1.496" or 38mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.496" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-19/32" (1.575" or 40mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.496" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-23/32" (1.732" or 44mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.496" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 1-27/32" (1.850" or 47mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.496" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 2" (2.000" or 50mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 2-1/8" (2.125" or 53mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 2-1/4" (2.250" or 57mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 2-3/8" (2.375" or 60mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 2-1/2" (2.500" or 63mm)
Length: 1-1/2" (1.500" or 38mm)

Bottom Diameter: 2-5/8" (2.625" or 66.5mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 32mm)

Bottom Diameter: 2-3/4" (2.750" or 69mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 32mm)

Bottom Diameter: 2-7/8" (2.875" or 73mm)
Length: 1-1/4" (1.250" or 32mm)